Hej 7A och 7B!
Ni ska fortsätta med övningarna som vi gjorde förra veckan på gleerups läromedelsweb. Adress och inloggningsuppgifter hittar ni i mitt gamla inlägg.
Idag ska ni koncentrera er på verb.
1. Gör uppgiften om verb under ordkunskap 1.
2. Starta ett nytt dokument i Google Docs. Dela med mig. Sätt in verbet i en mening se till att du använder det rätt. Gör likadant med alla 12 verb i övningen.
Ex: "Jag käkade jättemycket i matsalen idag."
Om ni blir klara kan ni göra samma sak med uppgiften om förkortningar under ordkunskap 1, alltså skriva meningar med förkortningen i.
fredag 30 september 2011
måndag 26 september 2011
Genrekoden - webb
Idag ska vi göra lite övningar i ordkunskap.
1. Gå till den här sidan:
2. Ange användarnamn:
3. Klicka på den blåa rektangeln där det står "Genrekoden".
4. Klicka på plusset jämte "ordkunskap - steg 1"
5. Klicka på "Ord - Litteratur 1"
6. Gör övningarna som kommer upp. Ange rätt svar genom att flytta den förklaring som du tror är rätt till den tomma rutan högst upp.
7. Fortsätt med de andra ord-övningarna.
1. Gå till den här sidan:
2. Ange användarnamn:
3. Klicka på den blåa rektangeln där det står "Genrekoden".
4. Klicka på plusset jämte "ordkunskap - steg 1"
5. Klicka på "Ord - Litteratur 1"
6. Gör övningarna som kommer upp. Ange rätt svar genom att flytta den förklaring som du tror är rätt till den tomma rutan högst upp.
7. Fortsätt med de andra ord-övningarna.
fredag 23 september 2011
Article - Love Hate Love
Your task is to write an article about one of the three persons and their relatives we followed on the documentary - Love Hate Love.
- Write your article on the computer. Use Google Docs - share with me asap.
- Use the typical style of an article
- You can make print screens from the movie and edit them in "paint" in you want pictures for your article.
- Go to www.svtplay.se and search for "Love Hate Love" if you want to look at the documentary again
- Write your article on the computer. Use Google Docs - share with me asap.
- Use the typical style of an article
- You can make print screens from the movie and edit them in "paint" in you want pictures for your article.
- Go to www.svtplay.se and search for "Love Hate Love" if you want to look at the documentary again
tisdag 20 september 2011
Lesson 4 and Lesson 5
Lesson 4
Your task is to examine a country that you think is interesting. You can choose any country you like!
Use Google Earth and look at your country. Find out for example:
- What do they use the land for in your country? Maybe farming, forestry or something else?
- Do people live in cities or on the countryside? Describe how it looks!
- Are there any significant buildnings or landmarks that you can see clearly from Google Eeart?
-Based on the facts you have found, would you guess that your country is poor or rich? Motivate your answer!
Countryside - landet
Significant - viktig
Lesson 5
Use Google earth and look for traces of a natural disaster!
You could look at for example:
-Haiti (big earthquake in 2010)
- Fukushima (flooding after earthquake 2011)
- Ground Zero New York (where the World Trade Center was)
Describe what you see and try and explain what happened here and why. You can google it for facts if you want to.
If you want to look at pictures of how it used to look before the disaster you can click the clock-icon on your top menu and go back in time to older pictures.
Traces - spår
Natural disaster - naturkatastrof
Your task is to examine a country that you think is interesting. You can choose any country you like!
Use Google Earth and look at your country. Find out for example:
- What do they use the land for in your country? Maybe farming, forestry or something else?
- Do people live in cities or on the countryside? Describe how it looks!
- Are there any significant buildnings or landmarks that you can see clearly from Google Eeart?
-Based on the facts you have found, would you guess that your country is poor or rich? Motivate your answer!
Countryside - landet
Significant - viktig
Lesson 5
Use Google earth and look for traces of a natural disaster!
You could look at for example:
-Haiti (big earthquake in 2010)
- Fukushima (flooding after earthquake 2011)
- Ground Zero New York (where the World Trade Center was)
Describe what you see and try and explain what happened here and why. You can google it for facts if you want to.
If you want to look at pictures of how it used to look before the disaster you can click the clock-icon on your top menu and go back in time to older pictures.
Traces - spår
Natural disaster - naturkatastrof
torsdag 15 september 2011
Lesson 3
Is Sweden leaning?
Go to the Swedish mountains in the north. Find a stream that floats from the mountains all the way down to the Baltic sea. Normally water flows from the north to the south but these streams run from west to east. Why is that? Use the pointer to find out how high the land is over the sealevel.
Describe as much as you can about one of the streams in the north. You can look at eg:
- how big is the difference in altitude?
- does people live next to the stream? give examples of where that is.
- find the start of the stream up in the mountains, where do you think the water comes from?
Go to the Swedish mountains in the north. Find a stream that floats from the mountains all the way down to the Baltic sea. Normally water flows from the north to the south but these streams run from west to east. Why is that? Use the pointer to find out how high the land is over the sealevel.
Describe as much as you can about one of the streams in the north. You can look at eg:
- how big is the difference in altitude?
- does people live next to the stream? give examples of where that is.
- find the start of the stream up in the mountains, where do you think the water comes from?
tisdag 13 september 2011
(skrivet den 11:e september 2011)
"Idag är det 10 år sen USA:s downfall startade på allvar. Idag är det 10 år sen som alldeles för många människor började tro på myten att muslimer i allmänhet antagligen är mer våldbenägna och sugna på att ta över helst hela världen. Att muslimer på något sätt skulle vara farligare än kristna. Som religions- och historielärare gör jag vad jag kan för att upplysa om vad religion i allmänhet har gjort för att förändra ordningen i världen, och om man är låst i uppfattningen att Islam skulle bära någon slags egen skuld i det hela så är jag ledig idag och reda att ta en diskussion om saken... Idag är det 10 år sen startskottet gick för flera års krig, terror och exploatering av Irak, Afghanistan och andra länder som blev inblandade mot sin vilja. Så om ni ska minnas de amerikanska offren och deras anhöriga från 9/11 så släng gärna en tanke till föräldralösa och ofta lemlästade barnen i Irak eller alla fattiga bönder i Afghanistan som har fått sin mark och alla ägodelar förstörda av kriget och där alla kvinnorna har blivit våldtagna och männen mördade."
torsdag 8 september 2011
Dela med denna adress
Dela era dokument med lina.svensdotter.scf@gmail.com
onsdag 7 september 2011
Historia - länktips
Har uppdaterat länklistan "Historia" med några länktips om antiken och annan forntida historia.
// Linus
Har uppdaterat länklistan "Historia" med några länktips om antiken och annan forntida historia.
// Linus
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Now that you all have had some time to get acquainted with Google Earth we are starting for real! For this task you need to have Google Docs. (see How to get Google Docs if you need help)
Write your answers in english please! Answer as detailed as possible.
1. ) How do we use the land?
Different areas have different colors depending on how the land is beeing used. Zoom to a position where you can see both Sweden and Denmark at the same time.
- Find out by zooming in over different colored areas what the land is beeing used for in both Sweden and Denmark. Have you found any areas with the same color in these countries?
Useful words for different types of land use:
Forestry - skogsbruk
Agriculture - jordbruk
Pasture - betesmark
Mire - myr
Heathland - hed
Mountain - berg/fjäll
2.) Where do people live?
Actually there´s only three percent of Sweden that is habitated. There are also very big differences between the north and south of Sweden when it comes to density of the population. If you look at the three biggest cities in Sweden you find that they are all situated pretty much in the south end of Sweden. You are going to look at where people live and what they do.
- If you cut Sweden of in three halves so you have “the north”, “the middle” and “the south” try and estimate how many percent of the population who lives in these different areas.
- Now look at how people use the land in these three areas. What do you think that most people work with in these different areas? Why do you think it has become this way?
Useful words:
Habitation - bebyggelse
Population density - befolkningstäthet
Now that you all have had some time to get acquainted with Google Earth we are starting for real! For this task you need to have Google Docs. (see How to get Google Docs if you need help)
Write your answers in english please! Answer as detailed as possible.
1. ) How do we use the land?
Different areas have different colors depending on how the land is beeing used. Zoom to a position where you can see both Sweden and Denmark at the same time.
- Find out by zooming in over different colored areas what the land is beeing used for in both Sweden and Denmark. Have you found any areas with the same color in these countries?
Useful words for different types of land use:
Forestry - skogsbruk
Agriculture - jordbruk
Pasture - betesmark
Mire - myr
Heathland - hed
Mountain - berg/fjäll
2.) Where do people live?
Actually there´s only three percent of Sweden that is habitated. There are also very big differences between the north and south of Sweden when it comes to density of the population. If you look at the three biggest cities in Sweden you find that they are all situated pretty much in the south end of Sweden. You are going to look at where people live and what they do.
- If you cut Sweden of in three halves so you have “the north”, “the middle” and “the south” try and estimate how many percent of the population who lives in these different areas.
- Now look at how people use the land in these three areas. What do you think that most people work with in these different areas? Why do you think it has become this way?
Useful words:
Habitation - bebyggelse
Population density - befolkningstäthet
Link to the document "How to get google Docs"
måndag 5 september 2011
Google Earth - lesson 1
Lesson 1
Google Earth - the world is right by your fingertips!
To open Google Earth on your schoolcomputers you go to the START-menu on your left bottom of the screen. Scroll up to “Ämnesspecifika program” and choose “Geografi” and then you find “Google Earth 5”. It might take a minute or so to open up the programme. Sometimes Google Earth (or the entire network from Borås Stad for that matter...) does not want to cooperate with human beeings and then you might have to reeboot the programme och sometimes even the whole computer.
Get started:
First you need to get familiar with Gogole Earth so we need to learn the basic skills. There are several way to go somewhere specific in Google Earth. One way is to type the name of the place you want to go to in the top left corner. Another way to move around.is to use the mousebuttons.
How to move around in Google Earth with the mousebuttons :
To zoom in, doubleclick on your left mousebutton.
To zoom out: doubleclick on your right mousebutton.
To stop when you´re zooming in: click once on your left mousebutton.
To stop when you´re zooming out: click once on your right mousebutton.
Complete the tasks 1-3. Today you don´t have to write down your answers.
Task 1:
First you are going to start by travelling to Borås. Move around the town of Borås. Do you see any small squares that you can click on? There are pictures that people have posted. To open them you just left click on them and they will open in a window. Close the window when you´re finished.
Task 2:
Now find you way to Sandared. You could follow the highway or another road or you could just move your way around with the mouse. Zoom in to our school. Do you see the car that´s parked in front of the entrence? When is this picture taken? Why do you think it´s so old?
Task 3:
Zooma out your view so that you can see the highway that runs between Borås and Gothenburg. Follow the highway all the way to Gothenburg. Can you find Liseberg? What different rollercoasters and attracktions can you see from above? Look at some of the pictures. Are they placed correctly or do you find any pictures that are not placed where they should´nt be?
If you´re finished you can go and find a 3D-buildning. Examine how you move around it and what information you can get from using the 3D-layer. You will find 3D-buildnings in eg. New York or California.
Already finished? Then you can go completely nuts in Google Earth and go whereever you want to go! Maybe you want to look at your own house or why not pay a visit to the chinese wall?
Google Earth - the world is right by your fingertips!
To open Google Earth on your schoolcomputers you go to the START-menu on your left bottom of the screen. Scroll up to “Ämnesspecifika program” and choose “Geografi” and then you find “Google Earth 5”. It might take a minute or so to open up the programme. Sometimes Google Earth (or the entire network from Borås Stad for that matter...) does not want to cooperate with human beeings and then you might have to reeboot the programme och sometimes even the whole computer.
Get started:
First you need to get familiar with Gogole Earth so we need to learn the basic skills. There are several way to go somewhere specific in Google Earth. One way is to type the name of the place you want to go to in the top left corner. Another way to move around.is to use the mousebuttons.
How to move around in Google Earth with the mousebuttons :
To zoom in, doubleclick on your left mousebutton.
To zoom out: doubleclick on your right mousebutton.
To stop when you´re zooming in: click once on your left mousebutton.
To stop when you´re zooming out: click once on your right mousebutton.
Complete the tasks 1-3. Today you don´t have to write down your answers.
Task 1:
First you are going to start by travelling to Borås. Move around the town of Borås. Do you see any small squares that you can click on? There are pictures that people have posted. To open them you just left click on them and they will open in a window. Close the window when you´re finished.
Task 2:
Now find you way to Sandared. You could follow the highway or another road or you could just move your way around with the mouse. Zoom in to our school. Do you see the car that´s parked in front of the entrence? When is this picture taken? Why do you think it´s so old?
Task 3:
Zooma out your view so that you can see the highway that runs between Borås and Gothenburg. Follow the highway all the way to Gothenburg. Can you find Liseberg? What different rollercoasters and attracktions can you see from above? Look at some of the pictures. Are they placed correctly or do you find any pictures that are not placed where they should´nt be?
If you´re finished you can go and find a 3D-buildning. Examine how you move around it and what information you can get from using the 3D-layer. You will find 3D-buildnings in eg. New York or California.
Already finished? Then you can go completely nuts in Google Earth and go whereever you want to go! Maybe you want to look at your own house or why not pay a visit to the chinese wall?
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